Bootcamp details

The ultimate self-discovery boost for you as a mother.

intensive deep work with maximum flexibility
no travel costs, because the only place you will travel to is your inner self!
5 weeks = 5 focuses

  • 1. Week: Explore yourself. How do you think about yourself?
    As a woman? As a mother? Identify your obstructive beliefs and plant beneficial ones.
  • 2. Week: Self-worth and the stress of not feeling good enough. Learn how much influence your self-esteem has on all areas of your life and how you can strengthen it.
  • 3. Week: Self-care. Put yourself first! WTF? What does that mean and how can that work?
  • 4. Week: Why am I shouting even though I don’t want to? And how do I get out of it? The power of powerlessness. and. Why solutions often do not bring the hoped-for redemption.
  • 5. Week: “I” communication and empathy. Change by turning from the outside to your inside in communication as well.

After 5 weeks Bootcamp:

  • feel how valuable you are
  • feel generally happier and lighter
  • understand yourself, your children and your relationship better
  • experience yourself as calmer and more relaxed
  • know that you have started a process that can enrich family life
  • know what you need and
  • what strategies are right for you

2 Packages

“Strong Self”:

  • WhatsApp group for exchange among each other
  • 1x daily WhatsApp impulse on the topic
  • 1x per week a video with input on the weekly topic
  • 1x per week live Q&A with recording (questions will be sent in advance, so your question will be answered even if you can’t be there. For a maximum of flexibility.
  • 1x per week Q&A, questions sent in advance I answer via Whatsapp.

“With Safety Net”:

  • everything that is included in the strong “self package” plus
  • a question can be asked daily via WhatsApp, which I will answer the same day just for you. Basically a 1:1 support.

Bootcamp Sign up

Step 1 of 3


Next Steps: Install the Stripe Add-On

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Your Boost for you as a mother. Start the change to a more relaxed and happier self.
Price: 85,00 €
For intensive and personal care.
Price: 190,00 €
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